My Favorite Second Life and Amaretto Virtual Pets

  • Amaretto K9 's ! Puppies Dogs and Kennels are my favorites!
  • Amaretto Barnyard Birds ! I likes Tsickens and Roosters !
  • Amaretto Horses and Ponies !
  • Papillon Breedable Plants
  • Biobreeds Breedable Animals in Second Life
  • WK Big Cats and Dire Wolves!
  • Meeroos, Fawns and Fennux

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Welcome Back to a New Name IN Second Life Breedable Places

   Hello you may have noticed the name change cause my dad and I are now orphans !  So Lets my sisters have that name I helped with building to no avail.   We are now Lil Bad's Dog Pound  from this point on. Seeing all the writing and pictures are mine I reserve the right to change whatever I wish.  

       I was trying to show people that dropping prices cause you do nothing but go to and auction where there are not the buyers you need to buy your animals but this is not and easy task. There is a large amount of newer breeders and they do not trait animals up, they do not make designer dogs they basically buy le's and other dogs and than dump them back into the market cheaper than what they bought the original for cause sell three at a third of the price they made there money back ... This is killing the market ! Yes I said it and yes I mean it.    Some dogs should be birthed and hh period  that's all they are good for and its part of how this game works !  If people cannot understand that well the markets going to have issues.  There are whole markets that are practicing under the puppy mill status at this point and when they get a good dog they drop the price constantly rather than use the animal groups to get buyers to there market.  Its sad there are older breeders that are leaving due to this reason and I cannot blame them.

    I have been called price police as well a few other choice names for trying to help keep the market active and viable ... Many of the puppymill people will only buy under priced dogs, don't get me wrong we have to have buyers but these people will not buy at fair market value and as soon as they have your trait-ed up breed they kick out 5 more pups no traits or anything added and flood at a quarter of the price you sold them to them at !  Again that is killing a market that a few months back had a back bone.  At this point that backbones made of rubber and it causing many to have to either stop breeding or just breed and animal or two !  If Offended you in anyway with my posts remember that there are many that understand what I am saying and agree that is the reason I started writing in the first place. If you are offended than maybe you are one of the offenders.  Maybe you should HH some of your low trait-ed animals and birth a few from the next generation. It can be easily done where you get the last bundle of the one being in HH phase and the other birthed higher trait animal is getting the maturity to breed. I mean this is not too hard to understand and if you need help message a breeder htat does understand this. Do not grumble and mumble about how you cannot be told how to raise animals here just to feel superior with a false superiority concept. Sure you may raise real animals most people on earth have.  Sure you may be a great breeder in real life but would you sell your runts and the sick ones   ( these would be very low trait dogs )  To everyone you meet and expect them to by there next family friend from you ?   Maybe make a designer dog   ?  and in that case are you going to sell the one that did not make the cut  ?  It is not fully designed its a genetic defect you HH that one not sell it cheap cause well maybe your traits are lurking in the back ground and now two pups down the road and they are selling your designer dog for nothing .... It is only common sense.  That all being said I leave with my designer dog for the contest.. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Breeding K9 's and Having Puppies and Pets in Second Life ~ Amaretto Breedable K-9 's or Biobreeds

  This is the next in a series of posts about breeding pets, animals and specifically the K9's or Puppies from Amaretto Breedables. Though some of this can apply to biobreeds as well because they do have traits, the market value compared to that Amaretto K9's is not nearly as strong and there are much fewer options and less traits. Plus with Amaretto's you can breed multiple dogs to one male and as well to different breeds of the dogs rather only being able to breed a dobie to dobie or a rottie to a rottie. This makes a huge difference in the markets and in my opinion is the reason that Amaretto's K-9's hold a much stronger market.  First off you want to keep your lines or pedigrees clean when possible. We could say pure but clean is a better way of putting it, and even with a clean line you can always get a new random drop. As well when you are breeding in a new trait whether it is a paw warmer a dipped ear or a old trait like a paw polish or collar you might need to use a different breed because it would end up costing to much to get a stud with the correct breed or that there just are not any. This being said I keep my lines as clean as possible rather than a cage full of dogs  that are just jumping on each other. But in the case of new breeds of dogs you will see that when introduced they have much fewer traits to start, so these animals need to be traited up via assorted ways. One way is to keep breeding new generations and adding new trait slots when possible and as well new generations often bring in a new trait slot as well where currently there are over 13 available with 6 null spots which will make your Amaretto k9 worth more as well. I will write more about trait slots later but just by adding generations via breeding your animals will pass traits that breed in more easily as well as increase your animals trait slots ( in he horses you can have 25 trait slots and you never know when they will add the next one to dogs like the wing trait spot that was just added to the chickens.) Yes they add new traits and slots in all the Amaretto animals and you just never know what it will be next.

          Now as I mentioned sometimes its just not possible to find a stud in the same coat or breed, so you basically have to either breed a female to the stud with the trait or well you just cannot get that trait in your line of animals. Now this means sometimes that people have to birth numerous kennels to find a male and that is why prices on the Amaretto dogs are more for a stud or male. Its not uncommon to pay double or triple for a male of the same breed as a female ... and if it has new traits that are just released than he should be at the very least 4 or 5 times more than a female typically. I say and stress this because a newly trait-ed male will pass that trait 4 times more per week if you are doping or juicing your males.  For example the females are ready to go about once a week and by next week 7 days again she has had a puppy and has recovered, while your male has than been able to impregnate 3 other females.    But again your animals are only as good as the parents you choose for them.  I will cover pricing of the k9's as well horses and barnyard birds also on this blog also over and over the next month so anyone new to the breeding gets a better idea of how to price your animals and so the market stays strong.   This fair market value has became and issue where some people that are new do not understand how to price the animals they have at auctions or on the markets available. There as well have been some less adored breeders from other animal kingdoms with egocentric ways that really think that they are here to just run the market on pets. They tell you what animal lovers they are yet run virtual puppy mills and cannot really pay for it all and want to make a quick buck. So what do they do ??? They breed a ton of animals than dump and flood the markets of different breeds and le's and traits because they are trying to make the lindens back they spent while being greedy, egomaniacal jerks telling you they are one of the top breeders.  Hey if you do not sell a dog at one auction because you do not have a few high end buyers there than it does not mean cut your price in half at the next dog auction.   As well just because you bred so many hundreds of pairs of dogs does not make you special when you do this every month and kill the market value for those of us that are not chronic hoarders and came here to have fun.  Yes you know who you are and well funny you can argue with a little kid avatar and your only response to over 10 justified questions ... is that sl is a free market virtual world and I can do what I want. Funny as well when you went to a person at Amaretto to cry about the ones that stood up to this you lied about the pricing as well that you wanted to put that animal up for and than act stupid after it is all over. But anyway .. most of the people in the breedables market like to have fun and get a fair market value for breeding pets in second life there are a few you will run into that are  more than just a piece of funky work...    As well these are not the type of people I would buy a real life puppy from unless I was just trying to rescue it. 

In my last post I mentioned way to help with the market also, from when you get the new drops and not flooding the markets to when you get a new breed or trait.  Also always to be sure to keep your lines clean and as well maybe put some time in project dogs when you can. Plus sending your less generation dogs off to puppy heaven and getting the points for them rather than selling the animal dirt cheap just so you can move on to the next breed. Remember I am only saying this cause if you want new breeders and pet lovers to come in and buy pets from you than there has to be a sustainable market to do so. Even the kennels that are extremely common you can birth and than send them to puppy heaven for haven points towards a paradise pound puppy !    I would like to say that I am in no way or form affiliated with Amaretto other than breeding the great dogs that have made for us in Second Life.  I have talked to most of the people that work for them and I appreciate the hard work they do for us here in Second Life and I know most of the other breeders do as well. I will be holding a class weekly to help new breeders and pet owners to better understand the K9s and other animals also but for most part we will focus on the Amaretto dogs and it will be free so I would like you to come join us after I announce this sometime later this week.  My next post will be more about how to price your animals and what traits can help your animals market value as well how to figure out what to sell your traited animals for.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Amaretto Breedable K9's, Horses and Barnyard Birds Pricing and Market Values in Second Life

Hello again from the Second Life Grid and to all you Amaretto Breedable Pet owners !  I am writing to everyone as Lil Bad Bigbear Jr this month and I am glad to see that more people have seen and read my blog. Lately I have been concentrating on the K9 Market because well who does not love puppies and dogs, but these blog posts pertain to all Amaretto Breedable Pets for the most part. the last few posts I have explained markets and tools as well places to get and idea about the markets for these animals. Lately in second life there has been many different breedable markets that suffer from market values and manipulations to the point that some breeds and breedables just do not hold value. It can be expected that after a new coat or breed is released eventually value will fall, and well this can be expected in almost all markets in rl and in sl due to supply and demand. But there as well has been more reasons in some of these markets than in others.  Some of the breedable makers and creators are just not prepared for the work involved but the creators of Amaretto's take care and pride in new special editions and limited editions to help the markets stay strong. Yet still without the cooperation of breeders, buyers and sellers nothing is guaranteed.  One of the first steps to preserving a fair market is education of the breeders and introduction to new breeders without alienating anyone.

 (  I would like to point out that not all breedable animals / pets , plants, bugs, fairies, dragons, WK Cats, Kittycats etc ... do not work the same. Different companies have different ways that there pets work. For example biobreeds have far less traits and trait slots than the WK Cats, Battle Beast Dragons and Amaretto Dogs, Chickens or Horses.   Some pets can fight for example the Battle Beast Dragons or the WK Dire Wolfs and as well the Amaretto and ABC horses can race if they are of the racing breed varieties and these racing horses have trait spots for this.   Trait slots and traits are a large part of the breeding and what makes your pets and animals unique. I will go more in depth about the traits soon but if you read through my other posts you can get and idea of what I am talking about. Also I will add some permanent pages on this blog covering these types of differences in animals of different companies and breed etc..)

       Yes no matter what market you will have people that just don't care and are trying to make a fast buck not understanding that well second life is not about money but rather being able to do things you cannot in real life.  For example I no longer can run , jump or well participate in many activities that physically taxing to our bodies so that is why I am often seen running around as kid again and posing as Lil Bada Bigbear Jr.

  So that being said and back to the markets of breedables and retaining fair market values. I have pointed out the value of Petrades and how it works, as well how it can be a market tool to help you with pricing. There are other things that are important as well to understand, one is that each animal can be from 11 to 18 prims or well 22 to 30 something for a breeding pair so well if you are breeding you have to remember to include this in pricing of animals. Also if you have say 50 breeding pairs of dogs that is almost 2000 prims in order to breed them per week meaning if you are way over your head and now have to start selling dogs, horses, cats or even birds just to make your tiers fees at a dirt cheap price than you are a hoarder and hurting the market for everyone else because you still need to feed these animals and provide salt, toys and other breeding helpers to get them to mate and make more.  Just as and example again 50 breeding pairs will consume one breeder food per animal a month to keep them from getting sick  ... this in lindens will cost over 11,000 lindens per month as well and I have seen many people just not grasp this concept when it comes to breedables because you will also need the mating aids also that in turn will cost over 6000 lindens also. So just to start getting a rough estimate 50 breeding pairs  we have at the least about 2000 lindens a week for land and that is a very rough estimate depending on the breed  so for a month consider on the land around 8 to 10 K plus the 6K for breeding aids and another 10 K plus to feed them and you at close to 25 K which is $100 or more in real US dollars ...  and this is where the problem starts .... People tend to look at the minimum you can sell the animals for making there lindens and not paying back in with real money ... but they do not have the money for a few months breeding already set aside nor do they pay there tier 3 or 4 weeks in advance and well so now they have to sell cheap in order to pay for what they have amassed ....  ( or hoarded as well ... )

     So you may ask if there is a solution to retaining a strong market you may ask ?  Many would like to blame everything but the problem itself. For example saying that breedable company should have had less drops and made these animals traits more rare. Well that will not help because some people will just continue to breed more animals than they can afford and still sell even cheaper to try and keep this never ending cycle going and thus ruining it for all because of there own selfish and greedy excuses. Not paying huge money for traits breeding the animal a few times and than dumping the animal cheap and using its offspring to crash the market is just another reasoning.  If you have offspring and do not need the parent anymore than send it to breedables heaven and get the haven points as it is a better solution, seeing they can be used to get special edition paradise puppy or a haven horse or pet food or even sick animal vaccinations ...   

Every animal that your breeding pet gives you bundle, kennel or egg is not going to be a special animal with great traits ... and in that case birthing it and getting the haven points is not just a better way to go, it also preserves the market values.  would you not rather have less animals that sell for more than selling a bunch of your stuff cheap and than flood the market? Because a direct offspring can again pass the traits of the parents depending on what sort of animal it is and whether it came from a limited or special edition etc.  If you are being greedy and selling your direct offspring cheap ... well its not much different than selling a offspring with the hidden traits in view  ...    Sure you may give a friend a DOS or OS ( Direct Offspring)  to be nice and well share the wealth but selling 5 DOS at 1/3rd the value kills the market .... one bundle at a time.  It may not seem like much but get 20 breeders doing so and all of a sudden you have flood of traits and the people that make these breedable animals can only spend so much time on new traits and breeds. I have to thank Amaretto for being so on top with bringing us new breeds traits and coats in the first place. Mrs Ava, Ms Cheescake , and Mrs Boss Lady which are the faces we see  ...  as well the others behind the scenes doing the scripting and also the beta testers are all here for us and work hard every day just to keep the market going and to bring us new amazingly cool things.

       I know at this point it looks like I have went on about this for quite a bit but I have not even scratched the surface of this yet because I want to make sure to help and educate new and old breeders as well give ideas to help keep this great breed-able community going and not alienating new breeders.  If you are new in the community and need help with pricing I as well others will help all you need to do is ask.    I do not just talk to the community and breeders but also auctioneers and auction houses, ranches and the people that run the breedable pets companies too. If you do not want to send your breedable to get haven points and would rather keep it than put it on pet food or get a forever fold or perpetual puppy box for it ...  and if it is a special edition collectors later will pay more for these types of animals but again you must find the right markets for these buyers.   So well I have just touched on the tip of the iceberg here but this is only part one of the posts for the blog this month.  Please follow this blog and help me to help others, feel free message me and contact me in world, on Facebook in the Breedable's of second life group or
As well post right here via comments on the blog posts and if you breed other animals than Amaretto's than I would love your feedback as well. If you have pets and breeding animal ranch auction house or company that makes them than I would like to trade links with you and I will give you support and we have more than just this blog as a way to get word out to patrons.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Petrades Marketplace for Amaretto Barnyard Birds, Amaretto Horses and K9's !

Well last post I was elaborating about market values of amaretto breedables on market prices etc ..  Well since this week I caught up with the owner creator of Petrades and asked him a few questions about the new marketplace for Amaretto Breedable Horses K-9's and Barnyard Birds. So for example you can look up market prices and buy birds via visiting links from the webpages of the Petrades site!  This is huge cause you can for example see what the markets average prices and save yourself many hours of searching sims. Yes searching sims can be very time consuming and you can get a good idea of prices so you do not over pay for the Amaretto Birds, Horses and K9's !  Just Visit the Petrades Marketplaces for each breedable ! To get a Kiosk for breedable animal you want just go to this Slurl to Petrades in-world.
   So here is my interview with the owner of Petrades Marketplace!
Bada Bigbear Jr : How long have you been in the breedables business?

Dackididi Miles: Just about 2 years. I've been in Second Life for about 9 years now, but the first time i heard about breedables, i just laughed about :) Second Life is more an API for me. I dont know much about it :-) Because of that, my experiences with breeding are low. I always love to say, i am the worst breeder in SL ;-) I just breed for fun because i have 2 daughters. They love to open bundles and ride the horses.

Bada Bigbear Jr : ( Grins )  That is so cool and the fact your children like to see these and have fun with dads work is so cool !

Bada Bigbear Jr : What gave you the idea to set up Petrades seeing the scripting alone was quite a bit of work?

 Dackididi Miles:   About 2 years ago i took notice about Amaretto horses because a breeder purchased a bot supported tool from me. I started to breed horses just to earn money. I wasted money with OSOS and DOS horses to get some horses with horns. From the first day i missed an online marketplace. It was so sad scanning all the ranches. I took notice about mySLhorses, but it was broken, slow and not focused to provide a marketplace. From that day i had a raw concept for Petrades, but this concept was without Kiosks. A year later I addicted a friend to breed horses. He is like me absolutely business focused. He also missed an online marketplace and i told him about my Idea. He liked that idea and while we talked about that, i had the idea with the Kiosks. From that minute i was on fire and I instantly started scripting it.

Bada Bigbear Jr :  ( Nods in Understanding) Yes its such a great idea and a marketplace was very much needed in the world of Second Life breedable pets!   The time it can save us alone is just the tip of the iceburg in the value your applications are providing all of the Amaretto Animal breeders.

Bada Bigbear Jr : Are you planning to expand to other pets besides Amarettos ?

  Dackididi Miles:  I spendet a lot of time to make the actual version of Petrades easy to releasing it with other pets. Some month ago i released it for K9 and Barnyard Birds. Actually i think about other breedables like ABC Horses, but there need to be discussed and figured out some things.

Bada Bigbear Jr : Which is a your favorite pet   Amaretto Horses / Barnyard Birds / or K-9's ?

Dackididi Miles:  The only pet i ever breed with are Amaretto Horses :) It was a little difficult for me to release Petrades for Barnyard Birds, because i did not know chickens can't become pregnant :-)

Bada Bigbear Jr :  ( Giggles and Laughs )  Yah the Tsickens only lays the eggs ! They are my favorites though !  So Many cool birds but the Doggies and the Ponies are great too !

Bada Bigbear Jr : Your Petrades applications and market place has revolutionized the Amaretto pet and animal business. Did you realize that your system would be a big part of setting the average prices lines of horses, k-9's and Barnayard birds when you first started building your system for the horses?

Dackididi Miles: That's what I hoped. I need to say, i really love the inworld trading with Breedables. In other business like clothes it's hard to sell inworld and most sales will be done on the SL Marketplace. I really loved to see all that inworld breedable malls and auction houses. It was always my goal not attacking that inworld business. I think Petrades is the perfect combination between searching online and buying offline. It brings visitors to the malls and auction houses. Petrades is working anywhere so ppl with small stores will also be found and getting teleports.

Bada Bigbear Jr :  ( Grins ear to ear) Yah you are right ! Petrades Marketplace helps us the breeders out in a huge way and is a great set of tools to help get more people to our stores, stalls, kennels and coops !! It is the perfect combo in providing knowledge and traffic !! 

Bada Bigbear Jr :  Seeing you have become a great way to quickly see the breed-ables buyers and sellers  market at a glance what are the plans for Petrades for the future ?

Dackididi Miles: I just can tell you at this time that we think about more Limited Edition Kiosks like the Xmas Santa Hat. This will bring a little income and support to Petrades. The main goal for the future is running Petrades as long as Amaretto breedables are available in SL :-)

 Bada Bigbear Jr :  (Smiles and Shakes Mr. Miles hand) Tanks you so much for the interview Mr Dackididi Miles !!  Your work is a great addition and assets to the Amaretto Breedables market ! I wants to thanks you for taking the time to talk with me today and we all look forward to seeing as it progresses in the future.

 ( Lil Bad looks around the store more before running off back to his parents Double D Daredevil Ranch Stores to take care of his pets and do his chores and plays with his sister Sophie and niece Geminis who is the ceo of Short Stacks Breedables!.  Please keep in mind that Lil Bad is a kid Avatar that loves his animals and tends to horde them all over the grid. Yes he does not spell correctly or always have the best English but than agains he is only a little kid. )  Here is a picture of one of his favorite Amaretto Barnyard Bird Roosters ! He named it George Verde the Pretty Birdy !  It is a White Faced Black Spanish Rooster with Verde (green) Eyes and a Malachite ( green) Beak!

White Faced Black Spanish Amaretto Barnyard Bird Picture!
George Verde the Barnyard Birdy ! White Faced Black Spanish, Verde Eye, Malachite Beak!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Chickens from Golden Laced Wyandotte To Chicken Traits: Malachite Beaks, Panic,Azurite Beak

This a cool chicken we have started breeding, it is a Golden Laced Wyandotte with Benevolence eye and Malachite and Azurite Beaks.

The middle bird is
Age: 7
Cycles: 12
Hardiness: 100%
Stamina: 48%
Vivacity: 21%
Vigor 0%
Breed: Golden Laced Wyandotte
Eye: Benevolence
Beak Color Malachite
Glaze Subtle
Class Farm

The next rooster
Age: 9
Cycles: 11
Hardiness: 100%
Stamina: 48%
Vivacity: 94%
Vigor 0%
Nesting: 0 Days 13 Hours 48 Minutes
Breed: Golden Laced Wyandotte
Eye: Benevolence
Beak Color Azurite
Glaze Subtle
Class Farm

the Golden Laced Wyandotte Amaretto Barnyard Bird  hen  is
Age: 20
Cycles: 10
Hardiness: 99%
Resting... 90%
Vivacity: 75%
Vigor 18%
Breed: Golden Laced Wyandotte
 Eye: Marron
Class Farm

Amaretto Barnyard Bird  hen in the back is

Age: 7
Cycles: 12
Hardiness: 100%
Stamina: 75%
Vivacity: 21%
Vigor 0%
Breed: Blood Orange Crazed California Gray
Eye: Azul
Beak Color Thanksgiving 2015
Class Farm

the cool heavenly kindness we been raisin !!!

Breed: Heavenly Kindness Love

Age: 10
Cycles: 11
Hardiness: 74%
Stamina: 49%
Vivacity: 62%
Vigor 0%
Breed: Heavenly Kindness
Eye: Rojo
Beak Color Azurite
Beak Design Tribal
Class Farm

!!!!!   More Soon

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Amaretto Barnyard Birds ~ Chicken and Rooster Traits and Multi Trait Birds.

All of the Amaretto breedable animals from Barnyard Birds to the K-9's have a trait system and as stated last week some even have random trait drops such as the eyes. With birds than you have at this time up to 10 trait slots with the most I have seen on the grid at this point of 8 non starter traits resulting in a triple beak. Where for example you have about 24 current slots in the horses and at the least 12 in the K-9's also as well mos other breedables have traits too like biodbreeds wolves and bears just for example!  But than again lets go back to the birds. As of now most people have birds with 3 to 4 traits with some birds in there coops actually having 5 ...  But at this point there are some who have 6, 7 and 8 traited birds!  These birds generally have also a non starter class or a double beak trait such as a beak design or flaw. I will post a few pictures of birds with multi traited beaks so you can get the idea ... yet these are still quite rare in many breeds, and extremely rare when you have a pure breed. for example a double beak crazed maker makes a crazed double beak that would be a pure crazed double beak. So how do you get these multi traited birds with high numbers of trait slots and why would you want these ? Well first off its in the breeding of the birds, you would take and breed other highly traited birds and breed those into others that have high and desirable traits and breed these together. Is there any other way you may ask seeing that may take a bit of work ?  Well sure you can buy them from people that have been working on this in there own birds for example most of my birds have either simple desirable traits that you would try and pass into a higher trait bird to make a designer type of barnyard bird project. And just for example a bird with a specific coat, eye, beak color and design and leg with brilliance on it that makes it glow and a class other than farm would be a good starting point. Sometimes you can combine multiple birds and grow all these traits into its offspring and yet sometimes this is not easy cause you get many birds that just one or the other traits pass. So if you take a high traited bird and pass these multi birds traits into it than you can come about with the full designer bird you desire in the end by passing offspring back into each other to make your designer multi traited bird. But again you may need a few good high traited birds to help you on your way to a 5, 6 or even 7 traited designer bird or well other breedable animal seeing most breeding animals in second life are similar in the way the traits work. Getting a rare coat, beak and leg together is a big plus when it comes to the birds added traits are just a plus and ad to the value of your birds. Currently I do not know of anyone that has a 10 non starter trait Barnyard Bird but I have seen up to 8 traits that are all non starter with a starter trait slot open as well but this will likely change soon as more high traited birds are sought out and bred into other breeders birds. Second Life breedable pets and animals no matter what company makes them tend to have special coats, traits and other limited and new edition features that keep them evolving from month to month. If you need higher trait Barnyard Birds, Horses or even the K-9's than check out our family store ran by my niece Gems! We have a huge selection of birds, horses and even dogs and puppies now for you to choose from at Short Stacks Breedables and the Double D Ranch as well many other coops, stalls and kennels at many of the breedable sims and auction houses.  Currently I am clearing out of most low traited birds and making room for high traited birds, the best way to get your whole coops to higher traited birds is to breed higher trait birds in to your flocks.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Ohh My New Second Life Amaretto Barnyard Birds Breeds and Traits !! K-9 and Horses and the market pricing!

Wow I have seen the birds been born with new breeds, Legs, Beaks and more!  Kicking off the new year with a bang Amaretto Breedables has started us off with great new traits for our animals meaning Chickens, Horses, and the Amaretto K-9 !  Of course every month there are new Crazed Coat animals on the second life metaverse grid. But the limited editions are kicking out everything from new breeds to many new traits for your animals. This brings up a question as many people wonder so what are the odds of getting a rare trait or breed when they are from limited edition animals or even from random special drops like the "Prayers for Paris" random drop or this months eyes of the world random drop which is Spain by the way.  And the last few months in order by month would be

  1. January 2016  Flags of the world Spain Eye
  2. December 2015 Flags of the world Brazil
  3. November 2015 Flags of the world Australia Eye
  4. October 2015 Netherlands   etc ... more info at Amaretto in one of the Eye Traits Wikis 
   So how how many of these are dropped compared to the elgible breeding animals be it barnyard birds, amaretto K-9's or amaretto horses.  Well obviously the more the elgible animals you have breeding the better chance you have for a random drop as these traits and or breeds whether or not its a saddle. Leg, Wing, Beak, Coat and yes even eyes on your breedable pets. As well if you get one of these new traits when they are rare how do you determine the rarity and worth ?  Well with breedables market value changes very quick and the rarity of the animals traits are what drives the market.  Currently there are a few ways to see this some more time consuming than others. First and fastest method would be Petrades Marketplace for Horses, Barnyard Birds, and Amaretto K-9's  search for the breeds and traits and look at average prices. Second off you could go search through hundreds of stalls , coops and kennels at one of the hundreds of breedable sims which could take days and hours. Than again you as well could attend auctions for a few months at one of the hundreds of auction houses, but the auctions sort of lead through with Petrades being a guide for the auctioneers and the market as well now at this point.  This all being said I will have to ponder this more and maybe later this week I will make another blog post after interviewing a few of the larger auction houses and the Petrades owner. To get to Petrades in second life just follow this link with your Second Life viewer Petrades Main Store to purchase Petrades platforms for your animals.