Well last post I was elaborating about market values of amaretto breedables on market prices etc .. Well since this week I caught up with the owner creator of Petrades and asked him a few questions about the new marketplace for Amaretto Breedable Horses K-9's and Barnyard Birds. So for example you can look up market prices and buy birds via visiting links from the webpages of the Petrades site! This is huge cause you can for example see what the markets average prices and save yourself many hours of searching sims. Yes searching sims can be very time consuming and you can get a good idea of prices so you do not over pay for the Amaretto Birds, Horses and K9's ! Just Visit the Petrades Marketplaces for each breedable ! To get a Kiosk for breedable animal you want just go to this Slurl to Petrades in-world.
So here is my interview with the owner of Petrades Marketplace!
Bada Bigbear Jr : How long have you been in the breedables business?
Dackididi Miles: Just about 2 years. I've been in Second Life for about 9 years now, but the first time i heard about breedables, i just laughed about :) Second Life is more an API for me. I dont know much about it :-) Because of that, my experiences with breeding are low. I always love to say, i am the worst breeder in SL ;-) I just breed for fun because i have 2 daughters. They love to open bundles and ride the horses.
Bada Bigbear Jr : ( Grins ) That is so cool and the fact your children like to see these and have fun with dads work is so cool !
Bada Bigbear Jr : What gave you the idea to set up Petrades seeing the scripting alone was quite a bit of work?
Dackididi Miles: About 2 years ago i took notice about Amaretto horses because a breeder purchased a bot supported tool from me. I started to breed horses just to earn money. I wasted money with OSOS and DOS horses to get some horses with horns. From the first day i missed an online marketplace. It was so sad scanning all the ranches. I took notice about mySLhorses, but it was broken, slow and not focused to provide a marketplace. From that day i had a raw concept for Petrades, but this concept was without Kiosks. A year later I addicted a friend to breed horses. He is like me absolutely business focused. He also missed an online marketplace and i told him about my Idea. He liked that idea and while we talked about that, i had the idea with the Kiosks. From that minute i was on fire and I instantly started scripting it.
Bada Bigbear Jr : ( Nods in Understanding) Yes its such a great idea and a marketplace was very much needed in the world of Second Life breedable pets! The time it can save us alone is just the tip of the iceburg in the value your applications are providing all of the Amaretto Animal breeders.
Bada Bigbear Jr : Are you planning to expand to other pets besides Amarettos ?
Dackididi Miles: I spendet a lot of time to make the actual version of Petrades easy to releasing it with other pets. Some month ago i released it for K9 and Barnyard Birds. Actually i think about other breedables like ABC Horses, but there need to be discussed and figured out some things.
Bada Bigbear Jr : Which is a your favorite pet Amaretto Horses / Barnyard Birds / or K-9's ?
Dackididi Miles: The only pet i ever breed with are Amaretto Horses :) It was a little difficult for me to release Petrades for Barnyard Birds, because i did not know chickens can't become pregnant :-)
Bada Bigbear Jr : ( Giggles and Laughs ) Yah the Tsickens only lays the eggs ! They are my favorites though ! So Many cool birds but the Doggies and the Ponies are great too !
Bada Bigbear Jr : Your Petrades applications and market place has revolutionized the Amaretto pet and animal business. Did you realize that your system would be a big part of setting the average prices lines of horses, k-9's and Barnayard birds when you first started building your system for the horses?
Dackididi Miles: That's what I hoped. I need to say, i really love the inworld trading with Breedables. In other business like clothes it's hard to sell inworld and most sales will be done on the SL Marketplace. I really loved to see all that inworld breedable malls and auction houses. It was always my goal not attacking that inworld business. I think Petrades is the perfect combination between searching online and buying offline. It brings visitors to the malls and auction houses. Petrades is working anywhere so ppl with small stores will also be found and getting teleports.
Bada Bigbear Jr : ( Grins ear to ear) Yah you are right ! Petrades Marketplace helps us the breeders out in a huge way and is a great set of tools to help get more people to our stores, stalls, kennels and coops !! It is the perfect combo in providing knowledge and traffic !!
Bada Bigbear Jr : Seeing you have become a great way to quickly see the breed-ables buyers and sellers market at a glance what are the plans for Petrades for the future ?
Dackididi Miles: I just can tell you at this time that we think about more Limited Edition Kiosks like the Xmas Santa Hat. This will bring a little income and support to Petrades. The main goal for the future is running Petrades as long as Amaretto breedables are available in SL :-)
Bada Bigbear Jr : (Smiles and Shakes Mr. Miles hand) Tanks you so much for the interview Mr Dackididi Miles !! Your work is a great addition and assets to the Amaretto Breedables market ! I wants to thanks you for taking the time to talk with me today and we all look forward to seeing as it progresses in the future.
( Lil Bad looks around the store more before running off back to his parents Double D Daredevil Ranch Stores to take care of his pets and do his chores and plays with his sister Sophie and niece Geminis who is the ceo of Short Stacks Breedables!. Please keep in mind that Lil Bad is a kid Avatar that loves his animals and tends to horde them all over the grid. Yes he does not spell correctly or always have the best English but than agains he is only a little kid. ) Here is a picture of one of his favorite Amaretto Barnyard Bird Roosters ! He named it George Verde the Pretty Birdy ! It is a White Faced Black Spanish Rooster with Verde (green) Eyes and a Malachite ( green) Beak!
So here is my interview with the owner of Petrades Marketplace!
Bada Bigbear Jr : How long have you been in the breedables business?
Dackididi Miles: Just about 2 years. I've been in Second Life for about 9 years now, but the first time i heard about breedables, i just laughed about :) Second Life is more an API for me. I dont know much about it :-) Because of that, my experiences with breeding are low. I always love to say, i am the worst breeder in SL ;-) I just breed for fun because i have 2 daughters. They love to open bundles and ride the horses.
Bada Bigbear Jr : ( Grins ) That is so cool and the fact your children like to see these and have fun with dads work is so cool !
Bada Bigbear Jr : What gave you the idea to set up Petrades seeing the scripting alone was quite a bit of work?
Dackididi Miles: About 2 years ago i took notice about Amaretto horses because a breeder purchased a bot supported tool from me. I started to breed horses just to earn money. I wasted money with OSOS and DOS horses to get some horses with horns. From the first day i missed an online marketplace. It was so sad scanning all the ranches. I took notice about mySLhorses, but it was broken, slow and not focused to provide a marketplace. From that day i had a raw concept for Petrades, but this concept was without Kiosks. A year later I addicted a friend to breed horses. He is like me absolutely business focused. He also missed an online marketplace and i told him about my Idea. He liked that idea and while we talked about that, i had the idea with the Kiosks. From that minute i was on fire and I instantly started scripting it.
Bada Bigbear Jr : ( Nods in Understanding) Yes its such a great idea and a marketplace was very much needed in the world of Second Life breedable pets! The time it can save us alone is just the tip of the iceburg in the value your applications are providing all of the Amaretto Animal breeders.
Bada Bigbear Jr : Are you planning to expand to other pets besides Amarettos ?
Dackididi Miles: I spendet a lot of time to make the actual version of Petrades easy to releasing it with other pets. Some month ago i released it for K9 and Barnyard Birds. Actually i think about other breedables like ABC Horses, but there need to be discussed and figured out some things.
Bada Bigbear Jr : Which is a your favorite pet Amaretto Horses / Barnyard Birds / or K-9's ?
Dackididi Miles: The only pet i ever breed with are Amaretto Horses :) It was a little difficult for me to release Petrades for Barnyard Birds, because i did not know chickens can't become pregnant :-)
Bada Bigbear Jr : ( Giggles and Laughs ) Yah the Tsickens only lays the eggs ! They are my favorites though ! So Many cool birds but the Doggies and the Ponies are great too !
Bada Bigbear Jr : Your Petrades applications and market place has revolutionized the Amaretto pet and animal business. Did you realize that your system would be a big part of setting the average prices lines of horses, k-9's and Barnayard birds when you first started building your system for the horses?
Dackididi Miles: That's what I hoped. I need to say, i really love the inworld trading with Breedables. In other business like clothes it's hard to sell inworld and most sales will be done on the SL Marketplace. I really loved to see all that inworld breedable malls and auction houses. It was always my goal not attacking that inworld business. I think Petrades is the perfect combination between searching online and buying offline. It brings visitors to the malls and auction houses. Petrades is working anywhere so ppl with small stores will also be found and getting teleports.
Bada Bigbear Jr : ( Grins ear to ear) Yah you are right ! Petrades Marketplace helps us the breeders out in a huge way and is a great set of tools to help get more people to our stores, stalls, kennels and coops !! It is the perfect combo in providing knowledge and traffic !!
Bada Bigbear Jr : Seeing you have become a great way to quickly see the breed-ables buyers and sellers market at a glance what are the plans for Petrades for the future ?
Dackididi Miles: I just can tell you at this time that we think about more Limited Edition Kiosks like the Xmas Santa Hat. This will bring a little income and support to Petrades. The main goal for the future is running Petrades as long as Amaretto breedables are available in SL :-)
Bada Bigbear Jr : (Smiles and Shakes Mr. Miles hand) Tanks you so much for the interview Mr Dackididi Miles !! Your work is a great addition and assets to the Amaretto Breedables market ! I wants to thanks you for taking the time to talk with me today and we all look forward to seeing as it progresses in the future.
( Lil Bad looks around the store more before running off back to his parents Double D Daredevil Ranch Stores to take care of his pets and do his chores and plays with his sister Sophie and niece Geminis who is the ceo of Short Stacks Breedables!. Please keep in mind that Lil Bad is a kid Avatar that loves his animals and tends to horde them all over the grid. Yes he does not spell correctly or always have the best English but than agains he is only a little kid. ) Here is a picture of one of his favorite Amaretto Barnyard Bird Roosters ! He named it George Verde the Pretty Birdy ! It is a White Faced Black Spanish Rooster with Verde (green) Eyes and a Malachite ( green) Beak!
George Verde the Barnyard Birdy ! White Faced Black Spanish, Verde Eye, Malachite Beak! |