My Favorite Second Life and Amaretto Virtual Pets

  • Amaretto K9 's ! Puppies Dogs and Kennels are my favorites!
  • Amaretto Barnyard Birds ! I likes Tsickens and Roosters !
  • Amaretto Horses and Ponies !
  • Papillon Breedable Plants
  • Biobreeds Breedable Animals in Second Life
  • WK Big Cats and Dire Wolves!
  • Meeroos, Fawns and Fennux

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Hello everyone and welcome back to this weeks Second Life animal breeders blog. I will try and start to make second life breedable animals posts more often as I this blog grows. First and foremost do not forget to visit our second life animal breeders auctions and spam Facebook group and pages that is located here !   So this week there has been many new updates in the breeding pets area of second life. Amaretto Barnyard Birds released a new random drop eye called Prayers for Paris and as well a random drop beak Maleficent in honor of a well known breeder in second life that loves her amaretto chickens. As well the Amaretto horses and K9's also released the random drops Prayers for Paris eyes. These eyes in the chickens started out bringing in close to 5k per nest egg and bundle though they have came down in price quite a bit in this last week they are still holding at around 1,000 lindens depending on there traits and breeds. While the Maleficent beaks are actually very, very rare and are going for 10k to 20 K ! My sister and Niece actually received the first to appear on the grid paired to a deadly wraith which will create a very beautiful bird ! Here is one of the Maleficent beak stats and in the next few days I will also post pictures of this extremely rare bird 
Amaretto Barnyard Nest
Breed: Double Laced Barnevelder
Eye: Azul
Beak Color Hope for Maleficent
Class Farm
 Geminis: Barnyard Bird Nest: Father:
Breed: Double Laced Barnevelder
Eye: Azul
Class Farm
Bogeyman Rhodonite
Breed: Bogeyman Blue Crazed Silver Grey Dorking
Eye: Mysterious and Spooky
Beak Color Rhodonite
Class Farm

If you want to purchase one of these birds please post your request in our Short Stacks Breedables Facebook page    ...  Many people are not aware how rare these beaks are and if your bird has tremendous.traits and stats and happened to have one of these beaks than your could be worth thousands of lindens as well.This brings me a recent regular occurring conversation among the more experienced breeders and long standing auctioneers and ranch owners which I will cover here in part one of this post.

   Second Life breedables which are rare and have the most recent and most desirable traits can run in the thousands of lindens for just one animal. The different animal breed brands consistently release special editions and traits that make your animals rare an worth more depending on the amount of traits and the amount of the specials that are released. This is a very lucrative part of the breeders markets and second life pets marketplaces. But as of the last years or so some of the breeders have began under pricing the animals and pets almost as soon as new traits and breeds are released into the grid. Some say well that is just the nature of the game and only business, but this really actually hurts everyone from the company that makes the second life animals and pets to the markets and auction houses that are involved ...   once a rare animal is sold at a market breaking price than getting the amount of linden that the animals are actually worth is next to impossible and drives new and up and coming breeders out of the market which again kills the market because it does not grow with new breeders thus becoming stagnant.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Second Life Breedable pets and animals from Amaretto Chickens, Horses to Biobreedable Wolves and more.

 Hi my name is Bad Jr Welcome to my new Blog for Short Stacks Breedables in Second Life, this is our family based business. My mom, dad, sisters, nieces and nephews all raise different sorts of Pets and animals in Second Life ranging from the Amaretto Barnyard birds and horses to the Biobreedables Wolves, Tigers, Leopards and Bears as well as many other types of pets. We live on the Daredevil ranch and have many other places that we keep and house our animals. My favorite animals right now are the Amaretto Chickens and Roosters and my proteges Gems and Sophie do lots of work for our ranch and farms.My mom as well raises Amaretto Horses and we attend many many auctions on a daily basis.In order to help other Second Life animal breeders keep up with whats going on we have started the face book group called Second Life Breedables Auctions, Spam and Sales  which is good so you can advertise your pets and breeders auctions, events and direct sales. If you are looking for great deals on both common and rare second life animals than you should be sure to check out our group and follow this blog !

    Many people raise and breed animals of all sorts from Horses and Chickens to mythical creatures such as Dragons, Mysticas and Fairies in second life. The rarity of the animals often depends on what is called traits. Second life breedable animal traits are often determined by things such as coats, eyes, claws , colors and much more.  The Breeders must feed the Amaretto chickens, horses, Battle Beast Dragons, Mysticas, Kitty Cats, Biobreedables Wolves, Bears, Leopards etc etc as well pair them up for breeding and producing eggs, nests and bundles of offspring. Different animals have different ways to prepare them for breeding and some can even be used in games and fighting as well. So whether a person in Secondlife raises animals for game reasons such as competition in battles to a hobby or show reasons as a breeder each animal has a price value on its head depending on the rarity of the breeders. We as well have a Facebook Page for our pets and animals called Short Stacks Breedables be sure to like this page for us and that way you can keep in contact and up to date on auctions and more that we attend on a regular basis as well see where our animal stands are located so if you want a good deal on a second life pet you can find them !